What is a Neurological Physiotherapist?

Have you ever wondered exactly what a neuro physio is, how they differ from other types of physios or if they may be able to help you?  

Here at Neuro Physio Geelong, we have a great team of passionate and experienced neurological physiotherapists who offer tailored therapy for clients with brain or spinal cord injuries. Our physios have experience and post graduate training in neurological rehabilitation so they are well positioned to assist people with neurological conditions to meet their individual goals and needs. We strive to provide high quality, client-centered care - whether that be out in the community or with our specialised equipment in clinic.  

Want to know (and see) more? Maddy, one of our amazing neuro physios, talks you through what a neuro physio is and the conditions we commonly treat. She also explains the services we offer at NPG and what you can expect when you come to see us.  

Watch the video below to find out more!


Neuro Pilates and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – a perfect match?


TA–Yay or Nay?