Accessibility and Facilities at NPG
There are 3 car parks directly out the front of our clinic and many car parks directly opposite, 15m from our front door. The door into our clinic has ramp access and is 900mm wide, sliding open automatically when approaching. There is also a large roller door for access if required.
In the clinic, there are two accessible all-gender toilets – both doors have handles to access (no automation – feel free to let a member of the team know if you need assistance with this). One of the bathrooms is larger with increased turning space for a wheelchair user.
We have 5 private clinic rooms that are separate from our gym space, each of which has the option of low lighting. We have an additional separate room with seats and a kitchenette that can be utilised as a group social room prior to exercise classes, or a quiet waiting area. There is also a water fountain and cups available that can be utilised throughout your session.
Our clinic hosts a great range of neuro-specific rehabilitation equipment that can be used to support our clients in gaining the most from their therapy session. This includes:
Overhead ceiling tracking hoist, with open space, a wide plinth, rails and our specialised treadmill positioned underneath
Wide Bobath plinths
Power Tower
Pilates reformers
Adapted stationary bikes
Cross trainer
Cable pulley system
In addition, we also have a Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) device, Vesti Cam googles, blaze pods, upper limb therapy equipment and a wide range of equipment to make gait and balance training challenging and fun.
Equipment at NPG
Sustainability at NPG
At NPG we are passionate about providing our physiotherapy, exercise physiology and therapy assistant services with as little carbon footprint and environmental impact as possible.
Our clinic is mostly powered by our solar panels which avoid power plant emissions to the equivalent of planting 459 trees, using 7618 litres of petrol and 8658kg of coal each year. We operate a predominantly paperless system, are mindful of what resources we use, recycle where we can and keep our waste to a minimum.
Furthermore, some staff use electric or hybrid vehicles for community visits and we will strive to increase this in the future.