Vertigo, Falls & Balance Services
Vestibular physiotherapy is suitable for anyone with dizziness and balance problems that arise from the inner ear (eg. BPPV, vestibular neuronitis or hypofunction), or from causes within the central nervous system such as vestibular migraine or stroke. Head or body movements usually worsen this type of dizziness and are an indicator that physiotherapy can help.
On this page you can learn more about our Falls & Balance and Paediatric Vestibular Services, and access free resources including BPPV Self-treatment guides and education.
Are you a healthcare professional? We recently presented an online webinar “vertigo management in General Practice” to the Western Victoria Primary Health Network and the recording is available for free here.
Dizziness, vertigo, falls and balance problems can all be successfully treated by a skilled vestibular physiotherapist. We use state-of-the-art equipment to optimise our assessment and treatment. Our vestibular physiotherapists have completed competency-based vestibular training courses and multiple advanced courses. Anyone with a primary issue of vertigo or dizziness will be scheduled in with a member of our vestibular team. Referrals are welcome but not necessary.
Alongside vision and sensation, the vestibular sense (located in the inner ear) is our body's third sensory system that contributes to the way we move. This system provides information to our brain about the position of our head and body in space, and is essential to maintain balance and keep our vision clear as we move. Vertigo, dizziness and balance problems can arise from the inner ear (eg. BPPV, vestibular neuritis) or from causes within the central nervous system such as vestibular migraine or stroke.
Vestibular Physiotherapy
Falls & Balance Service
All of our physiotherapists are highly skilled and trained in the comprehensive assessment of people experiencing falls and balance problems. Our falls and balance service is perfect for anyone who has had a fall, or is worried about falling. We work in collaboration with your GP and other healthcare professionals to achieve the best outcomes, so you can live and move with more confidence.
Unsure if you would benefit from a Falls & Balance assessment? Print and complete this validated questionnaire, put together by the Greater Los Angeles VA Geriatric Research Education Clinical Centre. A score of 4 or more indicates an increased chance of falling.
Learn more about Falls & Balance Service here!
No referral? No problem. Call us to self-refer and book an appointment on 03 4207 0279
Vertigo, Falls & Balance Resources
Open the links below to access our free BPPV Self-treatment guides, Client Education brochures and online webinars for Healthcare professionals. Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Use these free resources under guidance from your vestibular physiotherapist, as you need to know what canal has been affected and that the treatment manoeuvre described is safe for you to complete. Click on the relevant link below.
Click the links below to access our education brochures on two of the most common vestibular conditions:
Are you a healthcare professional? We recently presented an online webinar “vertigo management in General Practice” to the Western Victoria Primary Health Network and the recording is available for free here.
Paediatric Vestibular Service
Dizziness and balance problems are common in childhood. Some of the main causes include migraine-associated dizziness, middle ear infections and concussion injuries. Unlike adults, in children, migraine can present as vertigo or dizziness rather than as a headache.
Your child may not be able to verbalise their symptoms, but you may notice they:
Look very disorientated or unsteady after swings or being upside down
Don’t have as well-developed balance or coordination compared to their peers
Hit their head during play or sport (only 10% of concussions cause a loss of consciousness, so an absence of this does not exclude a concussion injury) and haven’t moved or behaved quite like themselves since
Fall over a lot
Avoid movement or walking for periods of time (minutes to hours)
We are linked in with many GPs, neurologists, paediatricians and sports physicians around Geelong to ensure your child’s care is streamlined and effective.