Optimising Health through Education at NPG 

Last month we held our 2023 education event here at NPG, and what a success it was! The turnout was fantastic, with a range of community members coming in to learn about ‘Living Well with a Neurological Condition’.  

We had three amazing presenters discuss the topics of nutrition, sleep, and exercise, and their importance in optimising health and wellbeing when living with a neurological condition.  

Adrian Stone, a qualified nutritionist from Living Holistic Health, talked about the role of nutrition in maintaining a healthy nervous system and gave examples of some key nutrients that support nervous system functioning. Advice on how to get a good night’s rest and the importance of quality sleep was provided by principal neuropsychologist, Michelle Morandin, who put great emphasis on creating a sleep routine that works for you.  This provoked a great discussion amongst attendees!  Brad Anderson, our very own exercise physiologist, educated the group on the benefits of physical activity and gave some pointers on how to implement physical activity into your life. Key takeaways from this were to find a method of exercise you enjoy, and that something is better than nothing. 

The evening consisted of formal presentations from our wonderful presenters, followed by a Q&A, and then an opportunity to network with others living with or supporting someone with a neurological condition. Of course, there were also some delicious refreshments on offer to top off a great night! 

Here at NPG, we are passionate about education and sharing our knowledge. If you have any other education event ideas or there is something that you would like to learn more about, let us know. Get in touch by calling 03 4207 0279, or email admin@neurophysiogeelong.com.au. We look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait for our next event! 

Further information about Adrian’s business can be found here Geelong Naturopath • Nutrition Clinic • Living Holistic Health and if you’d like to know more about how Michelle could help you, follow this link Geelong Neuropsychology. 


NPG –The Virtual Tour


Neuro Exercise Physiology (EP) explained